As many people know there is a bill in the Georgia legislature that would allow people to buy a small amount of beer direct from a Georgia brewery. This is a huge deal for us small Georgia breweries and brewpubs. WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT! So we're hosting an ol' fashioned rally to kick it off. THURSDAY the 14th (3/14, get it?) starting around 7:00PM. We'll provide lots of food for everyone and we'll be introducing a new IPA, "Complicated Issues IPA" that is brewed with a new experimental hop that we were very lucky to get a hold of. We will be donating $1 from every pint sold to Georgians for World Class Beer, which is a grass roots effort to help pass this bill. The night should be a lot of fun and the goal is to get everyone interested involved and pointed in the right direction. We'll be answering basic questions like who to contact? When? And what is the best way to get our voices heard?